Thanks to my greatest mentors - Mikaila, Starry, Freedom Rose, Yuringer and Jasper; To Shanti - a beautiful life cut short, Casey - my quest for knowledge, your quest for a life lived your way.
My mentors and their amazing work and programs:
• Dr Renee Tucker - Tucker BioKinetic University and TBT MultiLayered Master Practitioner
• Dr Renee Tucker - Where Does My Horse Hurt? - The fabulous book
• Brenda Westwood - Horse Sense Healing; GGR would not be in existence if it weren't for her coaching skills, classes and workshops. The 2015 Clarity and Vision course took my business plan to a level I never could have considered. Using my horses in Brenda's workshops has opened my eyes to their innate abilities for communication and healing.
• Jim Masterson - The Masterson Method - amazing work with horses. MMCP Certified Practitioner, Weekend Workshop and 5 day Advanced course. Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork
• Cherie Ross - Royal Crown Diamond - Young Living- extreme thanks to the most amazing knowledgeable healer on the planet!
• Ann Nyberg Bradley - The most amazing horsewoman mentor with the two best books ever written "Of Life and Horses - The Nature of the Horse" and "Of Life and Horses - Cooperation through Communication"
• Anna Twinney - Reach Out to Horses. Your insight is beyond measure - Wealth of information for everyone - definately a new evolution. Our yearly clinics with you are time well spent. You are a master and a wise woman beyond measure!
• Coreen Kelly put her life's work into creating the Western Montana School of Equine Massage. Certified Equine Massage Practioner CEMP, Reiki Level 1 and 2, Reiki and Acupressure Assessment.
• Reiki Master 2015 (with Lisa Powers)
• Nancy Zidonis, Marie Soderberg, Amy Snow - OTCM, Acupressure and massage - I've studied their books, DVD's, newsletters and classes.
• Cheryl Burt
• Bobbi Hall - The Horse Whisperer
• Equinology for two excellent foundation anatomy classes -Equine Anatomy and Canine Anatomy;
• Melissa Shelton created an excellent Essential Oils and Animals class - I loved this class!;
• Linda and Pat Parelli - their work with horsenalities and the levels - a wealth of information;
• Karen Ososki - Rider Biomechanics;
• Karen Irland - Centered Riding;
• Chris and Katherine Irwin - the clinic, the language of the horse and your whole DVD series;
and so many more...
The following certificates are included to honor my mentors and solidify my dedicated quest for knowledge: