ONE OF MILLIONS – Rewiring Our Brain

I have quite a story regarding my brain experience after my head hit the steering wheel in a new turn lane at an intersection, rearended by a driver going 55 mph. Airbags didn’t deploy. Shock is the best automatic tool our body has, I believed I was fine – for 5 days. Then reality began to set in as shock wore off.  It’s four and a half years later, after that split second changed my life forever. Living in a body without control or connection to a brain is horrific. The death of neurons happens slowly, as does the loss of abilities… Time spent working on ‘getting better’ actually doesn’t help the free fall experience with loss. People are expecting improvement, yet what happens is continued deterioration and inability to think, feel, move properly are constant factors. Memory – short term – is non existant. One short sentence spoken and I couldn’t recall one word. Yeah, really…
Fortunately, I was very self sufficient, I live alone and rely on myself 100% for caring for the horses, land, house. Those tasks are deeply ingrained in body, soul, spirit, mind and emotions. Without this ‘automatic ability of muscle memory’ I would not have made it. Two and a half – three years is when I hit rock bottom as the pain level got worse and worse. Then I found tools to improve.

I am not ready to tell my personal story yet, but I will. I have recordings, writings and will share what I lived through, and what it took to recover. For the most part – a year in, I researched and followed a flow of help and answers, and eliminated those sources that were damaging and detrimental to me and my recovery. In the mean time, I’ll share these empty words, that are meaningless without really understanding what the experience is like. 

6 million car accidents a year, and only in the past 2 years are we getting serious about understanding brain, nerves, fascia, heart and pain… The future of health care is upon us, and it is exciting.

After Injury, the brain might need to adapt to the changes caused by trauma. Here are a few key aspects of how ‘rewiring the brain’ might occur:


  • Formation of New Pathways: Neuroplasticity allows the brain to form new connections between neurons or reroute existing pathways to compensate for the damaged areas.
  • Functional Reorganization: It involves the brain’s ability to reorganize its functions. For instance, if a specific area responsible for speech is damaged, other areas might take on this function.


  • Physical Therapy: Helps regain motor skills and coordination.
  • Occupational Therapy: Focuses on improving daily living skills and independence.
  • Speech Therapy: Aids in recovering speech and language abilities.
  • Cognitive Exercises: Mental exercises to improve memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

Time and Patience:

  • Slow and Gradual Process: Recovery varies widely; it can take weeks, months, or even years.
  • Consistent Effort: Regular therapy, exercises, and a supportive environment are crucial for progress.

Individual Variability:

  • Personalized Recovery: Each person’s brain injury is unique, so the rehabilitation process is tailored to their specific needs and abilities.
  • Factors Affecting Recovery: Age, overall health, severity of the injury, and individual resilience play significant roles.

Technology and Innovation:

  • Advancements in Treatment: New therapies, techniques, and technologies (like neurofeedback or virtual reality) can aid in rehabilitation. Tony Robbins: Life Force

Emotional Support:

  • Psychological Impact: Emotional support and counseling are vital as a head injury can have emotional, cognitive, and behavioral effects.

Adaptive Strategies:

  • Learning New Ways: Sometimes, individuals might need to adapt to new ways of doing things if certain functions can’t be fully restored.

In essence, rewiring the brain involves a multifaceted approach that focuses on stimulating the brain, encouraging adaptation, and supporting the individual in their recovery journey.

This is what I did, after years of ‘Wait and see”, I found 3 amazing programs, and I worked through my issues by self identification of what I was thinking, feeling, experiencing and comparing it all to clearly defined programs.

The newest rule of thumb is if you haven’t fully recovered in 3 months, it’s time to dive in full force and focus on recovery. Get help from a brain expert, or become one yourself.