December 30, 2024
Yes, a year since my last post – This year is a wrap, and the car accident – being rear ended – the saga is over as of August 19, 2024. The rules are – we are required to buy car insurance. When an accident occurs – we file a claim. Our insurance company is supposed to compensate us based on the policy amount.
It took 5 years and one month to close my case. The length of time for me to almost loose my house, property, life, horses, everything… The stress caused damage on top of soft tissue damage that only now am I deciphering.
Fortunately, after resolution I got a Spect Scan done at Amen Clinic:
• On brain SPECT Imaging Nancy has a pattern associated with past brain injury: A combination of our findings is consistent with the existence of brain injury in this patient. (The physical damage matches the described impact, The activity damage matches the experience)
• The medical system had said this: “My Brain MRI was called ‘Grossly perfect”. Real medical terms definition: ‘my brain was not bleeding, and not in a life threatening state.’ so it was deemed perfect…?
What can happen upon impact is the brain ‘shears’ – The neurons stretch or break when the brain tissue grey and white matter separates due to the fact the brain tissue is different densities. What also happens is the left and right upper brain sides are separate down to the limbic system. The corpus callosum is a thick band of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain. Its primary function is to facilitate communication and coordination between the hemispheres, enabling them to work together seamlessly. If the two sides twist, they can damage the Thalamus and Limbic systems (Pain and nervous system) which creates all kinds of soft tissue hell.
While I have some wrap up to do, I have experience and insight that is meaningful to share. This is the beginning of a Healing Master Class for Soft Tissue Damage. The progress made outside of the medical system is in alignment with the work I do. 2025 is going to be significantly life changing. Stay tuned and thanks for keeping in touch.
Nancy Horne, December 2024

Casper Double Rainbow and a plane