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“Toolkit for Connection” Workshop October 3, 2015




OCTOBER 3, 2015 11-3

Fill your toolbox with new skills and deepen your partnership with your horse! Come join us for an amazing day with your horse or work with one of mine!

“What am I seeing or not seeing?” 

In this workshop we’ll explore and study horses innate characteristics in terms of mental, emotional and physical wellness through a series of trials and games. We’ll set up events, allow the horse to respond and we’ll learn how to shape the behavior we want – step by step through clicker training and other techniques. We’ll learn to ask better questions! Through this discovery we’ll evaluate the level of communication, contentment, tension or apprehension, and determine the horses level of confidence and trust. For the horse who constantly moves through to the horse who won’t move when asked, we’ll work with a common language to help you both have more fun together!

The best thing for partnership with your horse is to teach them to relax and release tension!

We’ll also cover bodywork, evaluation tips and techniques for discovering physical boundaries, braces, and discomfort in order to increase the horses ability to interact and offer a ‘try’.

We’ll end by learning a hands on bodywork maintenance technique that includes lymphatic drainage for runny eyes. This powerful energywork is sure to enhance communication and connection!

We’ll address issues such as:

  • “What can I do with my horse when it’s too icy or cold to ride?”
  • “My horses tail moves just a bit and the skin twitches yet I don’t see any flies around. “
  • “My horse keeps walking, can’t stand still. Stops but then walks on or shoulders into me, steps on my foot…”
  • “My horse won’t allow me to touch her ears, poll, mouth, girth area…”
  • “My horse seems frozen – unresponsive yet she knows what I’m asking and knows how to _____.”
  • “All of a sudden – with no warning…”

Much of the work I do with horses begins with connection and balance to recognize and release tension. Mental, emotional, physical tension, boundaries, dullness, hyperactivity and lack of trust can cause all the above and more which results in unease. Even if we think our horse is relaxed and perfect, there are things we can do to check in to their wellbeing and gain a deeper connection.

Nancy Horne has intently studied horsemanship and related modalities since 2001 and has an innate sense of understanding when connecting with horses. Nancy is a technical thinker but also hands on and is certified as an equine massage practitioner, certified in acupressure and essential oils, performs energy work as a Reiki Master, and has completed Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork – AKA- the Masterson Method training through the 5 day Advanced workshop.  

Nancy hosts clinics at Greater Good Ranch
in Kila Montana. Clinicians such as Brenda
Westwood – Horse Sense Healing and
Anna Twinney – Reach out to Horses.
October 3, 11 am – 3 pm. $60.
555 Jackson Meadows Road,
Kila, Montana    Nancy Horne  406-756-2327.
Call with questions. to sign up
and for further information.
Space is limited – 6 people and horses maximum.

Demo of Clicker training


Here is a demo on Mikaila


Horses stealing the show…


Starry is starting to yawn pretty big.


Starry has big yawn tension releases

Release2 Release1

Anna Twinney – Clinic – photos and a video link

The Anna Twinney – Reach out to Horses clinic held at the Greater Good Ranch was amazing. We had a full group of amazing people. Gearing up for another clinic next year. These photos are from Day 1 in the morning and Day 3 Obstacle course. Watch the video to get an idea of how much information Anna gleaned from 12 minutes with Mikaila.

Video Link: Round pen with Mikaila

Anna Twinney and Mikaila – Assessment2169

Hi Anna – you don’t mind if we just stand here do you?2160

Engaged in all 3 gaits



Companion walking




Connecting with Starry


Obstacle Course Sunday





2288 2290

2293 2294 2305




Reinvent the Spark: Remember when…

“If not now, when?”

Reinvent the Spark: Remember when…

  • Your heart was full and totally connected to horses?
  • Your daughter or son spent all their time with horses but now they’ve moved on to adult life

and now?…

  • You feed, care for but worry the horse is not ‘being used’ and the horse is simply a pasture ornament?
  • You feel disconnected, can’t communicate or don’t know how to spend time together at this juncture in life?

Now is a good time to reinvent and rekindle your passion!  There is so much more to horses than simply riding…

Bring your horse here or I’ll visit you.

We will evaluate your combined dynamics, explore the needs and desires for interaction and establish the ability to communicate with each other where you both are in your journey now.

I’ll share with you some ‘connection bodywork’ techniques that enhance emotional, physical, spiritual balance.

I’ll share tools to establish a deeper relationship between you both, to recognize the smallest of responses and tips to interpret their meaning.

I’ll guide the plan for moving forward with enriching activities for sharing time, connecting and ultimately discovering – within yourself – a deep and rich inner peace.
Call Nancy today for an appointment 406-756-2327

This horse is (not) a bucker! Look for the magic and you will find it

This is stated many ways for people – we are not our actions ‘what we do’, we are not ‘how we react’… Yet this is how we describe animals, and it is only one tiny piece of their life. A change can be made so the behavior can be a thing of the past.

The beautiful horse I met last night touched my heart. A horse that is a reactive introvert who is born into the world of a sport he is not suited for – mentally, emotionally, physically – will react. The reaction may be small at first – or it may be huge, depending on his desire to be heard. Regardless, the reaction is based on an opinion that the horse has on how we are with him – how we are using him, using his body, controlling his life.

If a horse is being asked to interact and he isn’t especially keen on humans, he is going to put any obstacle available between himself and the human. If he is in a paddock with foals – that is the obstacle he will put between himself and the invader. He is not a wimp because he hides behind a foal. That is the only tool he has and he is using it wisely to his advantage. It was clear by the catching dance the level of interest or curiosity he had which was not so much. I could have gone up and haltered him immediately – that is what most people do. I don’t often halter a horse if they choose to stay with me after our connection. I want the feedback of what allows them to stay and what makes them leave. But what if I’d stopped there – walked away before connection – having given him only that much time? Instead of walking away I asked for connection, I asked for tolerance, patience and to accept my touch. I got all those things – hopefully not only because he was haltered (not by me). We worked, tested boundrys, changed his mind about people. A lot changed not only with him but the two foals as well. Funny how good energy ripples through a herd.

When faced with avoidance, what if the human approaches with a polite ask and genuine heart felt  interest? What if the human gives him time to decide if there might be something in this connection should he choose to allow himself to be approached and touched? This is where the magic happens – when we combine our energy into interaction that is agreeable to us both. It is about exploring each others openness, level of trust and interest in what we both have to offer. Humans easily share themselves with other humans equally. How often do we share ourselves with other species in a mutual relationship? When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open and we seek to find each others gifts – that is when we understand ‘what this horse is’ – or more accurately – ‘who’ this horse is in his heart and what he is capable of. From that moment on – he is no longer whatever he’s been called.

All too often we ‘size up’ people, horses, dogs based on how they react in given situations. What often goes unheeded is their response to our energy – combined with the surroundings, their energy and what is being asked or expected in a given situation. When we approach we have expectations, questions, an attitude, thoughts, we project energy… Others see us as interesting, overwhelming, self absorbed, controlling or maybe open to connect.

What if – from birth – we allowed and nurtured this connection? What if we allowed everyone to seek and find what works for them? While it’s great to  breed for bloodlines, sport and to educate throughout ones life – it is also imperative to allow other outlets for abilities that don’t fit in the mainstream flowchart.

I believe it is time to intenionally allow other species to ‘be’. I believe there has to be a place for all to live and thrive on this planet outside of our control. Horses can take care of themselves as long as they can find food and water which is provided by the earth, not by humanity. We all need a place to go when we don’t fit in where we are at. Just my two cents worth…

Reach Out To Horses – 3 day Clinic

This clinic has concluded but we plan to offer a clinic with Anna Twinney again next year.

Every single minute of all 3 days was absolutely amazing and perfect! The clinic was a huge success!

June 26 and 27 will be at the Greater Good Ranch in Kila MT.  This will be an amazing clinic!  Questions: Nancy 406-756-2327 Sign up before May 15 for the reduced rate.

Due to an overwhelming response, the riding portion of the clinic on June 28th will change locations to the Johnson Ranch in Bigfork, MT. There is an 8 rider/horse limit but auditors will be limited to about 20 people.

Sign up on Anna’s website

The easy in/out trailer in fee for the day at the Johnson Ranch is $20. There may be limited dry paddock facilities for overnight at $35.




Open House! 5-30-2015

Energy, intent, Spa day for horses and humans. It is raining pretty hard and thundering as well.
The Drum is made by the Drum Brothers. The resonance is amazing and this drum will be a fun addition to campfires, etc.
From Brenda – who works out of my arena too and did a demonstration. “Feeling blessed to have had such a great turn out for the Open House for Horse Sense Healing and the Greater Good Ranch! We had around 30 people throughout the afternoon join us! Thank you to you all! Hearts were touched, horses were treated to some TLC & some fun was had! The food from the Kila Pub was amazing and the wine from Glacier Sun Winery was fabulous!”

Animal Communication Study Group 5-12-15

Study Group for Anna Twinney – Reach Out To Horses – Animal Communication – The Journey Within.

 View the links and listen to the audio files.

Welcome to the Anna Twinney Reach out to horses – Animal Communication study group.

I’ve been following Anna Twinneys work  for a year and a half. What attracted me to her focus and work was her attention to detail , experience, and ability to verbalize and process deep thoughts.  Annas insight goes beyond any work that I’ve studied.  the focus of her work especially resonates with where I’m at in my life today. Animals  have always been an important part of my life we’ve always communicated, Annas ideas and skills have taken my vision to the next level.

The first conference call that we had on May 6 and May 12 we discussed how to get started in the study group -the intent and the purpose. 

The purpose of this group is to study the information, take action on the exercises from animal communication the journey within. 

My intent with this online or in person study group is personal growth –  everyday issues like work or behavior problems, care, feeding, end-of-life, lost pets . Pretty tough issues to discuss. Explore the different tips and techniques and watch DVDs and practice the techniques with others 

The benefits of the study group are for support, To Share tips and techniques, breakthroughs, to support each other when we’re stuck, and get help in communicating with our own animals. apparently it’s really difficult to communicate with our own animals I’ve experienced that myself. It would be really helpful to have each other as mentors and coaches. 

I set up a call site and wall at free conference I’ve added some links and set up some auto audio recordings that I thought were pertinent to getting started.

I posted two examples of Anna’s audio DVDs can you listen to on the conference call wall

AT evolution – comes from Anna’s introduction to evolution of horsemanship it’s a 53 minutes – Her story that Anna shares with us is her way of measuring the evolution in her life and her life choices. She pauses after every major achievement with the question “And what if I’d stayed there- with that way of thinking or working” What she has achieved in personal growth today is far beyond each phase.  I was so inspired that I did this exercise of my life as well. It really helped to clarify my vision of moving forward from where I’m at. 

The example of I H H is taken from the webinar insights into holistic Horsemanship it was the first question and answer in section 2. It was a significant topic that she took on it was tough question enter Answer shows just how much she processes and thoroughly discusses different issues and many sides to those issues. That’s why I really like her work. 

Other resources – Anna has 6 DVD horsemanship series,
Download audio – insights into holistic horsemanship
Webinar – evolution in horsemanship
Webinar – animal communication reawaken your inner voice
9 CD set – animal communications The real deal
and so much more… See

I think the important place to start is the newly out ‘animal communication – the journey within’ – purchase on website-  two DVD set it’s well worth the $49 and there are a lot of exercises and clarifications that Anna presents that I have not heard on any of her other material . 

The next date for the group to meet will be on May 21 . We will watch the DVD  and we’ll get started on the exercises. We’ll also share some of the tools and modalities that a couple of us that have been working with for a while and have had some pretty great experiences with, that we use in order to get clearer answers since we don’t have the ability that Anna has at this point. or call 406-756-2327.

Plum Creek land – please read

Updated: Steve from PC came out the same day I posted this story. We walked the land and he agreed the problem is extensive.
I was not satisfied with the results of our conversation so I called the county weed department. I just got a call back saying that PC will log the land and Steve agreed they will spray the weeds this Fall. PC, The weed dept and I will follow up with landowners to be sure all is well.
Original post:
Plum Creek – Hwy 2 office in Kalispell MT – Steve
Steve Since you didn’t call back or come out as promised- here is the knapweed and spruce budworm that I wanted to show you.
Will Plum Creek please take care of your Weeds and Spruce Budworm? My neighbors and I simply can’t manage our land when it borders your unmanaged land… If nothing else – knapweed and Mullein are medicinal – please harvest them for sustainability and income.
The Spruce Budworm just spent 5 years going through this area with only one year reprieve. As you can see- they are back in full force and about to hatch and eat our forest.







Mullein and knapweed – medicinal or noxious weeds




Knapweed new growth and last years flower stem




Thanks for listening! – Steve email me!