Silence is golden…

The plan for 2016 was to teach – equine clinics, workshops etc. but as it turns out – building websites and computer work for others took precedence. Now that Spring has arrived computer work is still a big focus but also I am working diligently on completing each Block for the Masterson Method Field Work study program. This includes Case Study write ups, meetings with a mentor, Coaching weekends and amazing work with horses.  I love this time spent.

Jim Masterson put together a system that helps horses feel better. Through the years I self studied with his book and DVD’ s- for well over a decade – then took the weekend seminar, then the 5 day course and finally signed up for the Field Work Study with the intent of certification. While I may have focused on the goal – during the process of diving in deeply to the course work – I found my passion for learning. The intense studies – collection of everything horse over the past 16 years is coming together and fitting in to what I am currently doing. As Joseph Campbell would say – “Find your Bliss”… Well, I found it and am ‘working it’ with no end in sight!

More soon! Anna Twinney will be here end of June and it will be an Amazing Clinic!


Byrd hind end