The plan for 2016 was to teach – equine clinics, workshops etc. but as it turns out – building websites and computer work for others took precedence. Now that Spring has arrived computer work is still a big focus but also I am working diligently on completing each Block for the Masterson Method Field Work study program. This includes Case Study write ups, meetings with a mentor, Coaching weekends and amazing work with horses. I love this time spent.
Jim Masterson put together a system that helps horses feel better. Through the years I self studied with his book and DVD’ s- for well over a decade – then took the weekend seminar, then the 5 day course and finally signed up for the Field Work Study with the intent of certification. While I may have focused on the goal – during the process of diving in deeply to the course work – I found my passion for learning. The intense studies – collection of everything horse over the past 16 years is coming together and fitting in to what I am currently doing. As Joseph Campbell would say – “Find your Bliss”… Well, I found it and am ‘working it’ with no end in sight!
More soon! Anna Twinney will be here end of June and it will be an Amazing Clinic!