Category Archives: Post

Masterson Method Certification March 25 2017!

March 3, 2017 –  I spent the day with Laura Faber Morris at Wholistic Equine Center, LLC in Whitefish MT for Masterson Method Block 3 coaching. What a fabulous day spent with 4 amazing horses. Onward to MM Certification at WPB Florida end of this month!
It has been a long, amazing journey and I’ve savored every minute. I first saw Jim Masterson on the Rick Lamb show on RFD-TV well over a decade ago… Jumped over and plowed through many obstacles to get here, which makes the journey that much more meaningful. Feeling grateful to and for everyone who helped and guided me on this journey. Thank you.

Demonstration of an Equine Wellness Session

A Wellness Session – Observation – the art of evaluating your horse.  

Dates Offered: Saturday November 19th  – 10 am – 3 pm Cost: $ 35   (Bring your lunch 12:30 -1 pm)

  • Prepare yourself; energy, intense or relaxed, soft, breathing, approach the horse, note responses.
  • Discussion – an assessment you can do with your horse. Horses stance, posture, energy level. Innate characteristics
  • Communicate with your horse – ask questions of your horse, get answers, look for questions from your horse.
  • Get in-tune with your horse – sense, feel, recognize responses, soft vision, breathing together, relaxation and wait.
  • Demonstration of a Reiki session on multiple horses at once. 
  • Explore Modalities:  Acupressure Points, Energy Balancing,Essential oils & Red Photonic Light/Cold Laser Therapy.
  • Demonstration of bodywork you can do for yourself and the horse. (Call for training – group or private sessions with your horse)

I love days like this!

Continuation on last post – Todays session was simply focused on getting the 2 way conversation back while offering a Masterson Method body work session to Starry.  There are 3 relationships I have with each horse – the caregiver and chuckwagon, the fitness trainer and within the last 3 years – the bodyworker. Horses who can’t stop moving their feet typically are protecting themselves. Recently I learned two techniques from two different masters to help me convey to Starry, partnership would be beneficial for us both. For this work, the horse needs to stay relaxed and needs to give his permission – neither are easy for Starry. Today however, he worked with me, our conversation was excellent – he moved when he felt it was necessary and I asked him to stand still when it was necessary. The skills I learned stopped his desire to escape. The results were about 90 % cooperation, he did the best he could.

As I worked with Starry releasing his endorphins – flexing his neck and releasing his shoulder muscles he became calm and interested. His feet moved less and he stood more evenly. I did some work on key areas and he did a lot of releasing of tension in these junctions – poll and shoulder area, temporal muscles on his forehead. I tested his back and determined some very reactive body parts that were as spasmed as I’ve tested.  I put the pieces together from my testing and his responses and helped him release the spasms and tension in the front end and hind end – taking him to the edge of his comfort zone, yet well below creating brace from discomfort. Starry was soon more relaxed and trusting than he’s been in a while. He had moments where he wanted to leave, I asked him for a couple more techniques as he would feel much better. He gave me more than I asked for.

The other 3 horses were standing watching and participating as well. Mikaila was yawning big and repetitive – I counted 7  releases in one breath. This session was the best so far – the most challenging and the most productive with beneficial results. I love how Starry is the horse that needs the most work, is the most challenging for me to work with – energetically, trust and communication wise – yet steps up for me when I’ve learned and first stepped up for him… This was the biggest lesson so far, I overcame 3 large and long time obstacles that I simply hadn’t been able to conquer with him for more than minutes at a time. Done, checked off, but never again will I take our combined energy for granted. He has issues that perhaps he will never conquer, he does the best he can while protecting himself, he will never do what someone encourages unless he is convinced that person will remain connected, concerned, responsive, aware and available to make changes second by second. Today was a good day.


Commitment to learning with compassion and intent


Over dependance on technology – computers, cameras and cell phones can create disconnect with reality and relationships. When used in a manner that deeply analyzes content that is captured, the depth of awareness can be life changing. I had been considering videoing less because of the disconnect that occurs during the technology recording process… Turns out I would still be my old self had I not revisited the value of reviewing video content with fresh eyes.  I teach ‘seeing’  to my students in every course, I was overdue for a major breakthrough.

For decades I’ve video’d horses – horse events, clinics, lessons, equine bodywork sessions. I’ve also video’d dogs, wildlife, family vacations, life events. Over the past two years it has become increasingly apparent that there are endless levels of perspective and connection when capturing life’s valuable moments as well as learning opportunities. From capturing the simple joy of time spent with family to the depths of an equine bodywork session where the slightest of blinks and breath changes gives huge insight into areas of discomfort – one must know how to capture exactly the views that show the connection of desired intent.

Being behind the lens for the capture– there is an extreme level of disconnect that is required to catch – via zooming, positioning, light balance, background, foreground etc. – the essence of overall images and details. Years behind the lens, then in front of the computer screen is what it takes to do this job… What brings out the value of the capture and the analysis? Why is some of the content insignificant and some breath taking? It boils down to the educated eye – to ‘see’, and then feel the heart and soul of the analysis. In other words, analyzing the insight of the intent of the capture, asking the tough questions during analysis, deep soul seeking connection questions – how, why, what if, level of comfort, discomfort, anxiety, fear…

Then the analysis of viewing – especially with equine bodywork or levels of horsemanship – what are all the details that show up – patterns, trends and how do the details change when viewing by different mind set and perspectives?

Now comes the interesting part and valuable time spent – consideringthinking, putting it together… What are the highlights of significant points of interest and what details don’t seem to matter and then describe why. Finally – what is the connection between significant and insignificant? Overall theme? Lessons to be learned?

Finally, reflection on the learning situations… Is this situation one that has occurred in the past? Is it a reoccurring theme? One time event? What needs to happen in order to heal, balance, modify, release, strengthen?

Exhausting detail, no? Life can be lived in the fast lane – going from one thing to another without reflection, but literally – what is the point? There is always a point… reflection is valuable, painful, enlightening… Application is life changing.

The best life lessons are experienced when the emotions are deeper, more painful or joyful. Earlier this year I was co-host to a horse clinic for the second time. The clinician has knowledge, experience, wisdom, skill beyond measure… I wanted to learn what she has to offer. I helped others get ready who were signed up, offered my best horse to someone else and took another horse. I was deeply connected to the content of the event – wanted to learn as much as I could as well as playing several roles. The clinician stayed at my house, I have many animals to care for at home. I acted as videographer – I video’d the event. All this meaning one moment I was connected to learning, connecting to caring for others, then disconnected – an observer – to view from the videographers perspective, then involved as a participant – needing to connect with my horse – combined energy to work and learn together…

Hindsight – it was an impossible task given my level of fatigue at the start. As it turns out this didn’t hinder – it actually helped – because I couldn’t keep my guard up. The first two days were manageable. The last day, my horse was anxious about being in an area with others, then alone, with my skill set and his actions, he was inconsolable. The lessons I learned this third day were painful – being highly empathic – I could deeply feel his anxiety yet could not help him find comfort. The clinician, Anna Twinney could help him with a simple compassionate conversation. She said he was doing the best he could, pointed out his feelings, responses, she emphasized with him and redirected his anxiety – he responded each step of the way, every time she asked for a bit more – he really tried. I got it – the one thing with the one horse I hadn’t been successful at – a way to deal with his anxiety. I wasn’t concerned about him being dangerous, I was interested in behavior modification, how to help him override his innate characteristics of anxiety and evasion. It wasn’t until months later when I revisited the video of the events on all 3 days, that I gained a fuller, different perspective from what I felt that day. I also could see deeper into many levels of the experiences. Watching the exercises, actions, reactions I gained life changing realizations that regained and directed my power and focus of compassion and intent.

Reflecting on the past in a non exhausted, learning state of mind empowers the future… I am recommitted to capture these once in a lifetime experiences via video, and then analyze, reflect and incorporate the meaning into my life. Personal growth leads to richness of mind, body and spirit.

However you can create this in your life – do it!

Sarcasm is no longer a luxury…

Yesterday was warm – 70-75 F and plants were in need of water. May 8th… Unheard of for this time of year.

This morning the rain sounded great, I listened to it for awhile before getting up. The luxury of appreciation – a few moments break after months of working to meet several goals. Finally daylight, I let the dogs out and realized it was snowing and raining… Yesterday the weather report said 66 degrees this week. I was about to make a sarcastic comment wearing my winter attire as I walked to feed the horses – but got in gear when I realized they all were shivering in a big way. Windy, wet and snowy; winter coat mostly shed, Spring/Summer coat not yet grown in… dang it, 4 horses were shivering and uncomfortable. They can loose a lot of weight in a short period of time with this weather. Food was tossed quickly and it took time to make a change. I realized I don’t live in the luxury of a moments rest and sarcasm isn’t worth the time to think of clever statements I thought as I rinsed off my mud boots when draining the water that had collected in the feeder. There is work to be done every moment, the goal at the end of the day is not to sit, watch the news and TV shows.

Up until a decade ago my life was filled with controlled, predictable moments.  When an event occurred that was outside the comfort zone I would launch into some clever sarcastic comment before diving in to deal with it. For the past decade I haven’t once looked back on that life with fondness… Innocence is not bliss.

The transition to seeking life that is healthy, rich with education to be and feel capable to make it through any challenge that I allow to come my way has stretched me to crash and burn limits. I always stand right back up as there is no destination to this journey and the comfortable rest stops aren’t the choices I make… Life is different not flowing with the masses, taking side streets instead of merging with the other cars on the freeway, discerning truth by the ‘energy of answers’ not trusting the ‘spoken words’ I want to hear. Through conscious choice it took a decade to find the path I want to walk on, and to make a difference, to become a leader, not a follower or a joiner, it is a choice.  Here’s to the people who struggle to find their truth, their voice, those who create and give as well as receive, those who listen to the golden rules and consider all forms of life as capable and worthy.  In my opinion, there are no good times to go back to yet – we are far from an acceptable destination.

Back to sarcasm… No one speaks my thoughts better than me. I’m happy to say I will never vote for a president because they speak the words I haven’t yet formulated or can’t bear to say… When I speak these days, sarcasm and excuses are not worth the time to say or hear nor do they offer humor, they are an anchor to the current moment and contain a level of contempt.

When I endorse someone for the job to run our country and interact with countries of the world – it is because I feel they are fully capable to do their job for the greater good for all living beings.  So many people – every where – are living outside their comfort zones and are not able to make the best choices… If you are still living a comfortable life it would be a good idea to get used to change…

These are exciting times as change is in the hands of every individual! I am not upset because the weather didn’t follow what the weatherman reported. I make a better choice based on whatever shows up. Since I live on the edge of the comfort zone – there are constant adjustments – this is living life, not simply living.


Silence is golden…

The plan for 2016 was to teach – equine clinics, workshops etc. but as it turns out – building websites and computer work for others took precedence. Now that Spring has arrived computer work is still a big focus but also I am working diligently on completing each Block for the Masterson Method Field Work study program. This includes Case Study write ups, meetings with a mentor, Coaching weekends and amazing work with horses.  I love this time spent.

Jim Masterson put together a system that helps horses feel better. Through the years I self studied with his book and DVD’ s- for well over a decade – then took the weekend seminar, then the 5 day course and finally signed up for the Field Work Study with the intent of certification. While I may have focused on the goal – during the process of diving in deeply to the course work – I found my passion for learning. The intense studies – collection of everything horse over the past 16 years is coming together and fitting in to what I am currently doing. As Joseph Campbell would say – “Find your Bliss”… Well, I found it and am ‘working it’ with no end in sight!

More soon! Anna Twinney will be here end of June and it will be an Amazing Clinic!


Byrd hind end

Why Reiki Healing?


Sally Thissell, 89    Fran Walker, 90    Mikaila, 16

My work with acupressure and Photonic red light work began in 2003 when I fractured the vertebrae in my lower back. The red light on acupoints and around the injury site helped with pain as well as faster healing. Because of the success of using these methods of red light and acupressure, I began to work with people, horses, dogs and cats. Using essential oils along with these modalities- especially when applied to acupoints enhanced the effectiveness of the treatment.

It wasn’t until I spent 50 hours learning Reiki from Reiki Master Coreen Kelly at Western Montana School of Equine Massage that I realized the true healing potential we all have. Reiki energy really pulled all these modalities together to ‘fill my toolbox’. Every modality builds on each other and Reiki tops the healing power by 80%.

Throughout this five day course we explored many ways of working with energy. The final day was spent evaluating a horse with physical and emotional issues. We made a list of everything we noticed about him. It helped tremendously that three weeks before I had completed a 70 hour course in equine massage and had worked with this same horse. We consulted our manuals on Traditional Chinese Medicine and pulled up the lists of related meridians and acupoints and went to work. Our treatment plan included Reiki, meridians and acupoints.

My understanding vastly increased and I found myself spending a lot more time evaluating and incorporating the different modalities- meridians and acupoints, essential oils, red light, horse temperament traits, integrated equine performance bodywork, and energy work with animals and people.

Horses and dogs are so pure and trusting that they respond in a deep, honest and complete way. The changes are immediate and visible.

Last summer I completed a Reiki Master course which brought me to the place where I felt ready to share this knowledge.  Now I feel confident to teach people skills and techniques that will enable anyone to perform healing on yourself, your friends and horses, dogs and cats. This work is preventative and immune system strengthening. It also builds strong and connected relationships.

The most significant part of this work is the ability to give Reiki distance healing sessions. If this sounds new to you – it isn’t new or unusual – it is simply redirecting energy. We all have the capacity within us for this work. Many of us work with energy without awareness yet the energy can be measured. The HeartMath Institute said in their webinar Heart-to-Heart Communication With Horses “our thoughts and emotions affect the heart’s magnetic field which energetically affects those in our environment”. In studies measuring heart rate between horses and humans, their energy research suggests that physiological information is being exchanged between species and indicated at a higher rate between energy healer and horse. You can read more about HeartMath’s research in webinars and articles on their website.

Reiki energy isn’t constrained by time or space. Distance healing simply works.

I practice energy healing and every night I send distant healing to horses. I widened my focus to include wild horses, those still out on the land, the ones in holding facilities and the spirits of those who have crossed over after being sent to slaughter. I send healing energy for the highest good for all using the open energy channel where the horses connect to us and we to them – heart to heart. We are a channel of healing through love and light. We allow Reiki healing wisdom to flow through us, to go wherever it is needed, in the order needed for the highest good for all.

The energy I’m talking about is and always has been everywhere in everything. Now it is scientifically proven to exist (even measured by HeartMath!). Reiki is being used in hospitals to heal (Pamela Miles, webMD). I sent Reiki healing energy to my mom after her Gall bladder surgery and she relaxed within a minute.

If you are intrigued and would like to join a class or have a private session call 406-756-2327. Keep your eye out for an online class that I am developing!


PS. Here’s the link to download the Heart-to-Heart Communication with Horses; with Ann Baldwin, Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.:

Reiki Level 2 Schedule

Reiki Level 2 – Course and Attunement (Complete Reiki Level 1 with Nancy) 

Class Option 1: Saturday February 6, 10 am – 4 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 2: Wednesday February 3 and 10 6:30 -9:30 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 3: Saturday March 5, 10 am – 4 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 4: Wednesday March 2 and 9 6:30 -9:30 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

  • Level 2 attunement with more advanced techniques!  in-class theory (with Level 2  manual) and hands-on practice.
  • Additional symbols and powerful ways to incorporate them
  • Distance healing for others as well as world traumatic events (we will perform a group distance healing)
  • Advanced Reiki techniques on the energy centers
  • A full spectrum Reiki session on each student – Give and receive to strengthen your abilities and awareness
  • A full spectrum Reiki session on horses and dogs

How We Believe Reiki Works

  • Reiki is energy with intelligence and is used succcessfully in hospitals as well as being measured by HeartMath Institute
  • Reiki is omnipresent-present everywhere at the same time.
  • Reiki is omnipotent-absolute and infinite power.
  • Reiki is omniscient-infinite wisdom and knowledge.

The universal life force connects all living things together like a vast ocean. As droplets in this ocean we are communicating with and are connected to, all other droplets in this ocean on an unconscious level. Similarly, every cell in the human body has its own individual position and responsibility. However, each cell is also unequivocally connected to and is unconsciously communicating with all the other fifty-trillion cells in the body. Deepak Chopra, in his book Quantum Healing also talks about how the entire universe is connected.

He explains how particles that are separated by immense distances of time and space know what one another are doing. When an electron for example jumps into a new orbit on the outside of an atom, the anti-electron (positron) paired with it must also react no matter where it lives in the universe. Each particle in our universe has an intelligence that communicates across time and space.

Scientists studying the behaviour of monkeys on the coast of Japan noticed one day a particular monkey had begun dipping his sweet potatoes into salt water before eating them. Shortly afterwards they found all the monkeys within the colony were also dipping their potatoes into salt water.The scientist assumed the monkeys were just copying each other until they discovered monkeys in other parts of the world had begun dipping their potatoes into salt water also. The monkeys were communicating through an unknown intelligence across time and space. The scientists labelled this intelligent communication Morphic Resonance.

Interestingly another study found when giraffes began causing serious damage to trees by eating more of the tree than normal, the trees responded by increasing the amount of tannin in their leaves. This defensive action made the leaves too bitter for the giraffes to eat. Scientists discovered the trees were communicating with gases — an energy with intelligence.


Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)  Pre-requisite: Complete Reiki Level 1 with Nancy

Class Option 1: Saturday January 9, 10 am – 4 pm
Option 2: Wednesday January 6 & 13 6:30 -9:30 pm
Reiki 2 Follow up group sessions with animals in January
(must have completed Reiki Level 1 and 2  by Nancy)

OR Want to host a class?
555 Jackson Meadows Road,  Kila, Montana
Call with questions and to sign up
Nancy Horne  406-756-2327


Reiki Level 1 Schedule

Reiki Level 1 – Humans and Animals – Course and Attunement 

For shelter volunteers, foster care, vet techs, rescues, competitors, child care workers, pet sitters and walkers, people feeling anxiety, stress, trauma, PTSD or people who want to give goodness and healing to others

Class Option 1: Saturday January 9, 10 am – 4 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 2: Wednesday January 6 and 13, 6:30 -9:30 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 3: Saturday January 23, 10 am – 4 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 4: Wednesday January 19 and 26 6:30 -9:30 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 5: Saturday February 20, 10 am – 4 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 6: Wednesday February 16 and 23 6:30 -9:30 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 7: Saturday March 19, 10 am – 4 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

Class Option 8: Wednesday March 8 and 15 6:30 -9:30 pm Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)

  • What is Reiki? Traditional healing methods, the history of Reiki
  • Energy – the animal to human heart rate connection
  • Level 1 attunement
  • The power symbol, energy centers and hand positions
  • Perform a Reiki self healing session on yourself (and everyday for 21 days)
  • Perform a A Reiki session on a horse and a Reiki session on a dog.
  • Reiki is omniscient-infinite wisdom and knowledge.

Healing is simply attempting to do more of those things that bring Joy and fewer of those things that bring pain. ~ O. Carl Simonton 

Learn how to balance, replenish and heal yourself, your loved ones and animals with the traditional Japanese healing art of Reiki Level 1. Reiki is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about energy work, how it works and the benefits.  While Kirlian Photography allows us to see energy, we will learn to recognize, feel and channel the energy for the highest good. Reiki can be used to enrich your everyday life, relationships and help you embrace positive change. Receive Reiki, insight, empower, pass on to others

Within days and months of practice, people find they feel in better control of their lives, become more intuitive and feel a stronger sense of purpose, no matter what their background or career goals are. Although these awarenesses of consciousness are usually not achieved overnight, Reiki Level 1 can help each individual become a healthier ‘body of light and love’, shedding negativity and lower vibrations that often prevent us from achieving these states.

All Reiki classes are kept small to keep individual attention at a maximum. Students are encouraged to explore their individual strengths, and each individual’s path and needs will be honored and respected. Classes are taught in a very respectful manner, keeping Reiki a sacred healing art. Class includes both in-class theory (with manual) and hands-on practice.

Reiki is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm energy centers in the body and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.

The Reiki attunement is a powerful experience. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. While one attunement is all you need for each level, re-attunements bring benefit in many ways.

Pre-requisite: Must have received a full Reiki treatment within the last few years. Call Nancy for a session if you need to meet this requirement 406-756-2327.

Cost: $125 (Includes Certificate)
Class Option 1: Saturday December 5, 10 am – 4 pm
Option 2: Wednesday December 2 & 9, 6:30 -9:30 pm

Reiki 2 course and attunement follows January 6th or 9th

OR Want to host a class?
555 Jackson Meadows Road,  Kila, Montana
Call with questions and to sign up
Nancy Horne  406-756-2327
